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Lost Pets
1. Us – ring us at the clinic
2. Other local Veterinary Clinics
3. Bayside City Council – 9599 4444 and check their website
4. Glen Eira City Council – 6524 333
5. Kingston City Council – 1300 653 356
6. RSPCA – 9224 2222
7. Lost Dogs Home – 9329 2755
8. Lort Smith Animal Hospital – 9328 3021
The moral of the story, is that microchips are a great way to reunite your pet with you! Many birds and exotic pets can be microchipped which saves enormous heartache. Years ago Anna had come across a stray ferret that was back with it’s owner in no time thanks to a microchip!
Fortunately his owners were found and his Microchip details updated!
This serves as a reminder that there are limitations with microchips – that if you change your details then YOU need to change the details held by Microchips Australia.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 8am - 7pm
Sat: 8am - 2pm

762 Hampton St, Brighton, VIC 3186