Surgical Services >
Desexing Surgery is conducted Monday to Friday in our dedicated sterile operating theatre – we are able to take care of dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs. We not only have advanced equipment to monitor your pet whilst anaesthetised (Heart & respiratory rate, oxygen levels, carbon dioxide levels, blood pressure, ECG & body temperature) but have a dedicated nurse monitoring your pet’s progress during the anaesthetic till recovery.
We also offer Laparoscopic Speys (removal of ovaries) and Cryptorchid castration (where one or both testicles fail to leave the abdomen). This minimally invasive has many benefits for both cats and dogs, with a much smaller surgical opening, your pet will recover faster and this means for dogs – we do not restrict activity for as long as conventional abdominal surgery.
Surgery Requirements for dogs and cats:
- No food after midnight the night prior to surgery
- Normal access to water
- Admission is by appointment with the Surgery Vet or Nurse. Please allow 10 minutes.
- Discharge is by appointment with the Vet or Vet Nurse. Please allow 10 -20 minutes.
- Revisits are by appointment, generally 3 days and 10 days post surgery to evaluate your pet’s progress.
- To keep your pet safe and healthy whilst under General Anaesthesia all dogs and cats receive Intravenous Fluid Therapy.
- We recommend Pre Anaesthetic Blood testing prior to anaesthesia. Blood testing gives us valuable insight into the internal organs of your pet – things we cannot detect on physical examination. Whilst in the vast majority of cases the blood test is normal, we are able to detect abnormalities affecting the red blood cells, liver and kidney function, that may affect your pet’s ability to metabolise the anaesthetic.
As long time Middle Brighton Vets customers, we love the personal attention and care extended by all staff. Our 19 year old cat loves the cuddles in the cattery and we are grateful for the special care for his needs. While our 3 year old dachshund is often scared for his vet visit, the staff are so kind and always set him at ease.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 8am - 7pm
Sat: 8am - 2pm

762 Hampton St, Brighton, VIC 3186