Well-Being Services >
Microchipping can be performed awake during a consultation, or when your pet is undergoing surgery.
Many other species can be chipped – including rabbits! And we have even had a stray ferret returned to its family because it was chipped!
It is important to ensure that your contact details registered against the microchip are kept up to date at all times. Check your details are current at Pet address. All pets that have been microchipped at the Middle Brighton Veterinary Centre have their information registered with Central Animal Records – an Australia wide database. You can contact them on www.car.com.au
Should you come across a stray animal and are able to bring it into the clinic, we are able to scan the pet and, if a chip is present, reunite it with its owner.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 8am - 7pm
Sat: 8am - 2pm

762 Hampton St, Brighton, VIC 3186