Congratulations to all the puppies of the Middle Brighton Puppy Preschool Class March 2018!
We had a fantastic mix of puppies this month – again we divided into two classes!
We started the class with everyone together and young Jemima as our demonstration pup. One class headed to Dendy Park – getting some real life skills, and the other (younger dogs not quite ready to go to the park) at the clinic.
It was so nice to met the new pups & their owners – we covered lots of topics about how pups learn – what can make learning fun & easy – being with a friend. But also what can make learning hard – being with a friend! Everything can work both ways – just ask Jazzi and Murphy.
We talked about keeping our pets safe – avoiding poisons such as foods ( onions, chocolates) and toxins such as rat poisons and snail baits and foreign object….. we also talked about the right time to desex your pup.
We had a great graduation night but we missed Hendrix and Jemima but we are hoping to catch up with them soon…
Best wishes!
Our star students….
- Bear the Cavoodle
- Charley the Chihuahua – weighing in at 1kg!
- Freddie, who grew before our eyes!
- Jazzi a chilled out Newfoundland pup
- and her bestie, Murphy the Golden Retriever.
- Happy days!!!